The Last Few Months..

Since January quite a lot has gone on. Here are a few things that I remember happening, not in chronological order..

Recording two versions of 'My Lagan Love' , one with Declan Kelly playing the harmonium and another on button accordion

Before that, myself and Yawning Chasm played gigs in Cork, Limerick and Dublin. Some lovely photo's of that tour can be found here and here too.

A video from the Black Sun gig in Cork, and then one from the Dublin gig in Designist. I haven't actually watched them because that kind of thing makes me squirm, but I presume they are ok!

And then here is a lovely Yawning Chasm at the same gig in Dublin.. This kind of made me teary at the time. I took the video with the phone in between my knees!

And I feel like lots of other things have happened too, but my brain is pretty heavy at the moment and my memory is sort of thin and all over the place. But maybe things will come back to me. But I will get a laptop soon aso I will be able to document things more often..and put up new paintings! And maybe try to make some cartoons! And maybe watch films! And mayyyybeeeeeeee buy that little piece of land on ebay that I nearly bought for $35 once. I know it was a ditch and in the middle of nowhere. But still.